16 October 2009


i've lost my voice. not my real voice. but the little voice in my head. the voice that tells me what to write. the voice that tells me what to ponder. the voice that tells me what to think about.

and my blog is suffering. and my to do list is getting longer. nothing is getting crossed off. and i'm not sure why. or where it's gone. i think i've just hit a wall. a wall that is. right. smack-dab in the middle of my creativity. and dang. i just don't need this right now.

too. too much. to do. i know i tend to do this. put too much on my plate. and when i do this. i tend to just shut down. until the panic ensues. and the procrastination kicks in. and i work. work. my fingers to the bone. i wonder. where this comes from? perhaps the maternal side? just perhaps????

so come back. voice. please? i need a kick to get going!

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