19 February 2009

oh fabio. oh fabio. top chef fabio. wherefore art tho fabio?

i am heart broken. heart broken i tell you.

i am a big fan. no make that huge fan of top chef.

i watch it religiously. i watch the reruns. i love it.

but wednesday night. well. well. what can i say?? it's taken a day to compose myself. to regroup. to come to terms.

my favorite chef had to pack. his knives. and go. go.

go to stardom i say. i think padma and emeril and tom colicchio made a big. huge. fat. mistake.

fabio was the best. the funniest. the most interesting. his broken english. his humor. his food. he was the italian chef. ah. need i say more? really? need i?


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Oh noooo! I didn't see that! I loved him. darn..I didn't get it recorded, and set for the reruns on the DVR. My sympathies....Kim

  2. thanks. so sad! i'm sure we'll see more of him though....
