21 May 2008

gym etiquette.

so.  yesterday i was at the gym.  on the elliptical.  listening to my ipod. when suddenly i heard it. the clip. clip. clip. click. of a nail clipper.  i could hear it through my earbuds.  i turned the sound up.  i could still hear it.  surely not in the gym.  i turned around.  there.  on the weight machine behind me.  a man.  sitting.  clipping his fingernails.  i'm not ocd.  but i can't stand the sound of nail clippers.  especially in inappropriate places.  (i once had someone on a plane clip their nails in the seat next to me.)  i almost fell off the elliptical.  turned up the ipod louder.  tried to drown it out.  not think of those nails.  flying. everywhere.  

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