15 May 2009


so. i'm in line today. waiting for my starbucks. grande skinny half caf latte. extra velvety foam.

little two. was sitting at the checkers table. chucking chess pieces at the table of men in suits - who were not amused by his behavior. i was trying to scold him. but waiting on my beverage, too. i'm sure i seemed a bit. maybe just a wee bit exasperated.

another gentleman. came up to the coffee bar. waiting, too on his beverage. he turned to me and said "hi." i said "hi" back. and looked at him. trying to place him. didn't think i knew him. but he kept looking at me. hmm. couldn't place him.

he kept intently staring at me. a bit uncomfortable. i must say. and i knew i didn't know him. and then he said "twins?" and i knew i didn't know him. don't have any. none in the family. i knew i didn't know him. he continued. "twin girls?" "no" i said. "no - just him" and pointed at little two. as he chucked a horse at the men. "hmmm," he said. " i just had a vision. a vision from god" "that you're going to have twin girls." "from god. a vision of you and twin girls". "nope." i said. "nope." and i thought. what. was that? what was that? he got his drink. and left.

and i am left to wonder. what? what was that all about? my friend, who works there. told me she's never seen him before.

do people do this? do they tell prophesies to strangers? could this be true? surely not. but if it turns out it is. we. are hunting him down. and getting lotto numbers.

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