02 January 2010


there's a lot of talk in the blog world right now about picking your word. a word to define you or live for or work or remind you of for the year. kind of your signature word.

the first sunday of every new year is star sunday at our church. epiphany sunday (which is a Christian holiday on January 6 celebrating the visit of the Magi to the infant jesus). but it is also (per wikipedia) this:
  • Epiphany (feeling), the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something
baskets full of stars are passed through the sanctuary. and you pick one. each star is carefully cut out and a word written on it. this is your word. your word to help guide you for the year.

last year. my word was sustain. i think it was perfect for the year. and i needed that word just at that time. sustain.

i don't know what i'll pick this year - you can't cheat and look first. but i guess i'm thinking that i would like to choose the word hope.

because i'm full of that for 2010.

...for friends struggling with illness
...for those out of work
...for friends dealing with loss
...for peace
...for warm days ahead
...for decisions to be made
...for change
...for new horizons
...for new beginnings
...for bigger and better
...for smaller and smarter and simpler
...for greener
...for safer
...for you.

looking forward to getting my word tomorrow. i'll let you know what it is. what word would you choose?

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