13 March 2010


oh. how i love a good sale. i'm not talking about the retail variety. the everyday. the ordinary. the mass produced. oh. sure. those are good. it's always good to get stuff on sale. but. let's face it. retailers have mass produced items. they're not unique. and not always of particularly good quality. no matter what the brand. or the retailer.

the sales i love. love. are estate sales. you know the ones. the good ones. the really. really. good. ones. you don't come across them all that often. the ones that are full of great things. boxes to dig through. treasures to uncover. finds to covet.

and this weekend. well. let's just say. it was really. really. really. good.

four generations. never threw anything away. ever.

packed to the rafters. full of stuff. wonderful. old. vintage. unique. stuff.

i was there for hours. hours. and then i went back later with a partner in crime. for more. and the house was still full. full of wonderful things.

treasures. beautiful. unique. delightful treasures. i'll share pictures when i get done sorting through all my finds.

these things only come along in a blue moon. it must have been one. i tell. you.

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