06 April 2010

share day.

i don't think i ever shared what i got at that amazing estate sale i went to back in march.

is this not the cutest little sewing basket you've seen? aqua blue with adorable vintage flowers. it's in excellent condition. i love that it still has the original tag on the inside.

one of the best sales i've been to in quite some time. remember the one? four generations of women in one house. stuff piled to the rafters. crazy deals. great digging. awesome finds.

you know. it takes time to come across a good sale. you just have to keep going. after you've been hitting some sales for awhile you almost get a vibe as soon as you walk in if it's going to be a good one. or one that you can cruise through in five minutes and be done. just keep at it!

look in the paper. look on craigslist. chat with others at sales. there's a pretty regular group here that goes to sales. i tend to see the same people over and over. some will be kind. and share their stories. share the locations. you'll soon learn who these folks are.

the dealers are always there early. before they open. in line. ready to snatch and pile as i call it. and sort later. some of these folks are not so kind. will try to move things from piles you've stashed with the checkout person. that's why i like to carry a separate bag. you know the kind. i always take my whole foods recyclable bag. it seems to bring me good luck on the hunt. no purses. just more to carry if you ask me. just the bag. my wallet and phone. then i am hands free and can fill the bag (and more). if it's a good one. but if you've scored some furniture. take the tag. to the cashier. write your name on it if you're still looking. make sure they know it's yours!!

and most important don't hesitate. because if you're hesitating on something. someone else is probably waiting in the wings to snatch it up. and then you'll be playing the "what if" game all day. and that's. not. fun.

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