11 July 2008


yes. lame. i've been lame about updating my blog. i haven't had much to discuss lately. well, i probably have but nothing very interesting. but now i have some questions...thoughts really, but questions, too.

why when all the other ellipticals at the gym are empty must people get on the ones right next to you? why why why? to take all your air?

why can't starbucks baristas learn to charge the right amount for skinny lattes?

why don't people say thank you anymore?

why does it have to be so blistering hot? well i know that answer, but i had to throw it in.

why do people have to exaggerate things about their kids online?

why can't people communicate?

why does my wrist have to hurt so much?

why can't summer last all year? or at least for 11 months of the year? that would be good. flip flops, sandals, dresses, flowers, playing outside, the pool and beach. summer really should be an all year event.

why do i have so many creative thoughts buzzzzzzzzzing through my head but not enough time to get them on paper?


  1. no such luck in finding a background? were you at the game on friday night? you could have came and said hi to the GDers.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Very interesting questions, twoyulies! Who is embellishing their kids' activities online?
