04 September 2008

toad and frog.

do you remember the book, toad and frog? i loved that book as a kid. they were friends and went on adventures. i always loved going "venturing". still do. little one has developed a love for adventuring, too. i'm so pleased by that. adventuring is good for the soul. it can clear the mind. open your eyes to new things. introduce you to new people and new ideas. it's just all around good for you. when you live someplace quite sterile and beige, like here, adventuring is needed..

i digress. a tangent i think. but i look at these pictures and i think adventure. i went to fetch the littles today and saw something jump when i opened the garage. there it was. this little frog. trapped in my parent's garage. probably all adventured out.

the littles were beyond themselves with excitement. they talked to him. little one called him her friend. little two giggled and jumped up and down. my mom and i caught it and put him outside.

the littles stood and looked at him. forever. it seemed. i love this picture. they were standing over him. talking to him. telling him to find his mommy. so worried and about his safety. yet so intrigued. they wanted to go back to grammies all day to check on him.

intrigue and adventure. so important.

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