13 November 2008


my mind's been wandering lately. thinking alot. pondering things. lots of things. it's hard to keep it on track somedays.

i make lists. but get way-laid. i re-write lists. and still never seem to accomplish what's on them. today i actually made a list in order. in order. of the way i needed to get things done. i got through 3 of the 8 items. maybe i can still finish the rest before the day is done.

but things seem to arise. happen. upsetting calls from upset friends. reconnecting calls from far-away friends. unplanned cocktails. sites and stores and places that i seem to stumble on and stumble over. playtime and teaching time. and chasing around time.

see? i digress. this is how i end up. at the end of the day. with nothing accomplished. i've got to get focused.

these thoughts. these things. that get me side-tracked...

recipes. i've been cooking a lot more lately. trying out new recipes. testing things out. not so good for the waistline. but good for family nights.

writing. i've been writing more these days. blogging. trying to keep my goal of blogging everyday until the end of the year.

working out. trying. it's one of those things on my list. that gets done. somedays.

working. working. working. it's holiday season already. and luckily and happily i've got orders to do and photos to shoot.

meetings. get-to-gethers. appointments. commitments.

and thoughts. the economy. the election. what could happen. what will happen. what could change. get better. explaining to her. and discussing it seems. with everyone. debating. being surprised. very surprised. and frankly disappointed by people's comment's and thoughts on the outcome. that those types of thoughts and beliefs still exist in this world. still today.

what are you thinking about?

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