30 June 2008

looking back.

you know.  looking back on a vacation is actually pretty hard.  we've only been back less than a week, but it seems like forever-ago that we were gone.  such is vacation.  how fast is goes.

so i thought i'd think about some of our best moments. 

dumping my chair and myself on the beach and digging my toes in the sand.  of course this was after hauling the littles and all our stuff down to the beach and slathering them in sunscreen.

walking into town for walks on the boardwalk and ice cream.

trips to funland for rides and giggles.

niccola pizza.  kohr brother's ice cream.

fun with cousins.  softball games.

watching the littles run and jump in the ocean.  

eating fresh crabs - well crabcakes for me.

evening marshmallow roasts on the beach.

sun, sand and water.

finally landing and getting back home!

1 comment:

  1. the littles are models. i love the pic of them sitting on the beach. so ralph lauren. talk to you soon, i have been in moving hell.
