10 June 2008

statue of limitations.

so really.  what is the statue of limitations on t-shirts?  i don't mean wearing them until they wear out.  i mean how long are they viable? i was going to the gym today and was packing up my gym bag.  looking through my t-shirts, i discovered one that is dated 1994.  international mountain biking championship in vail.  doesn't seem that long ago.  

now, this t-shirt is in excellent condition.  hardly even worn.  but is there an age limit?  should you not wear a t-shirt that supports an event more than 2 years old?  3? 4? 10? besides clearly aging you, they are attention getters.  i'm just confused and self-conscious i suppose. in the end i didn't wear it.  in the end, to be honest, i didn't even make it to the gym.

1 comment:

  1. i say - wear them as long as they can be worn. and vintage is so in, so older the better. glad to know you are still hitting the gym. call me to work out details of the puppysitting next week.
