17 June 2008

the pirate.

so, i've been meaning to write about the patch. little two's patch to be specific. but i just couldn't get myself around to it. could it be that it's because i spend much of my time now telling him to leave it alone? to not take it off? to ask where it went? to getting another out and on him? this is how i seem to spend my days lately.

little two is wearing the patch now. well, trying to. we're supposed to go for full-time patching. yes. full-time. that means as soon as he gets up to when he goes to bed at night. impossible for a two year old. impossible. yesterday we went through 10 patches. that's not the record though. that would be 15. in one day. they come in boxes of 20 and cost $5.99 a box. you do the math.

we visit the pediatric opthamologist again on thursday. hopefully we'll get the go-ahead to patch less and get glasses. we'll see. i think what will actually happen is trouble. i think it will be very evident to her that we haven't even patched enough. so i'm sure it will be patch patch patch. and glasses. i can't imagine how i'll keep those on him or keep him from breaking them. i'd be willing to bet they're broken before we even get them home. arghhhh. as the pirate says.

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