30 August 2008


tonight was the rehearsal. in a field by the tent. in view of the mountains. mads finally got to practice being "brided".

dinner afterwards was certainly a good time. my parents did a fab job hosting and planning. julie and john were good sports and we met some truly interesting people. the kids loved laying on the bridge "fishing" and tossing m&m's on the floor. micheal keaton was nice enough to pick them up . i spent most of the night chasing them around and making sure they didn't fall in the creek.

good food. good company. after pine creek we headed back to their house for some champagne and cheesecake. and toasts. of course some toasts.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    You are moving to Montana aren't you? I am so excited to hear about your trip. YOu look so happy in the photos. LOVE the kids and the creek. And...that deer photo in the yard.....looks like heaven to me. - Kim

    (still trying to get my blog up...sigh)
