05 August 2008


vote. today is the august primary here. important races. important decisions. it's important to vote.

i'm a geek i'll admit it. i'm fascinated with politics. don't have any desire to run for an office. but i love politics. i love watching the news, reading the paper. following the candidates. knowing what's going on in our country. i loved watching john adams this winter. such a great show. i actually learned so much about why we are the way we are now. anyway. enough rambling.

i admitted it. i'm a geek - i love politics. a few years ago i wanted to get involved. so i volunteered to be an election worker. working the polls on all election days. i've moved up now to a supervising judge. in charge of my own polling place. woot. woot. i know. only old people do that. but it's fun. i've met some super interesting people. i've seen some interesting things and heard some even better things. being involved is good. it makes me feel like i'm doing my part. as small as it may be.

so it was important to vote. important to get out and participate in our democracy. as alot of us say it - if you don't vote you don't get to complain. so based on our turnout today there are a lot of people in this county that can't complain. maybe they'll vote in november. maybe they'll learn to care. i was impressed by the number of kids that were voting for the first time. so proud of themselves. so excited. and we were enthused for them. it was exciting to see that spark in their eye. that sense of reaching a milestone. i especially loved the ones that came in with their parents. their parents were excited for them. i also loved the parents that brought their small kids in to teach them about voting and the importance of it. teaching them a valuable lesson. i hope that enthusiasm lasts. these so called "small elections" can sometimes change our lives more than the big ones.