26 January 2009

christmas. part ?

her: "mommy. guess what?"

me: "what? how was your day?"

friend one: "she said her name is christmas."

me: "uh huh. it is."

friend two: "for real?"

me: "for real. that's her middle name." (and it is. named after her grammy. her maiden name.)

her. "christmas, christmas, christmas. that's my name."

me: "where did this come from?"

teacher: "she introduced herself using her full name when she was helper today."

me: "ok."

her: "it's christmas. that's really. really. really it. and that just means that i have more christmas magic in my blood."

if only i could bottle this up. and keep it with me. i would laugh and smile all day long.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    It was only a metter of time before she figured out how neat her name is. Way to make it work for you girlfriend. Is it even possible to be so young and yet cool?? Princesses rock!
