12 January 2009


i'm still sad. so sad. i'm not sure i'm ready to come back to this space. but i miss it. i miss so many things right now. especially my little twink.

but i'm trying. i'm trying. and that's the best i can do right now. my friends have been such a support to me during this. the flowers and meals. the calls of just checking in. the emails. the prayers. it has made this more bearable. if that's possible.

i'm trying to remember the good things about twinkle. the things that she did. that made me smile and laugh and love her to pieces.

she was sweet and silly.

cuddly and warm.

she always listened to me and waited for me.

she barely passed puppy class because she was too busy doing other things.

she'd steal my spot in bed as soon as i got up. everyday.

she had a favorite toy that she'd carry around for hours.

she flew home with me once. the flight attendants served her. but not me.

she would lie at my feet for hours. she would snuggle in on cold or warm nights. when i was sick or recovering from surgery.

she loved oranges and treats and cheese.

she loved to climb up on us and lick our noses. she was little and fluffy. and loved to run round the yard.

when it snowed, she would go head first into the biggest pile of snow.

she loved to pull off and steal your socks.

when she was a puppy she was so little i could fit her in my LV bag. she once got kicked out of ben and jerry's.

when little one was born, she would snuggle up and sleep next to her. she'd steal binkies and rattles.

she loved to be carried around and fawned over. this was not tough to give into.

she loved to ride in cars and hated going to the vet. even though they loved her, too.

she had her favorite blankies and beds and spots in the house that were hers.

she would sit for hours in the window watching for us to come home.

she loved going for walks. she also loved for us to carry her after about half way.

she was a colorado native and relocated to the midwest with us. she adapted fine, although i think she, too always missed the mountains.

but most of all. she was our family. and now there's a big empty hole in it.

and now we miss her. so. so. so. much. but she'll always be here with us.

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