28 May 2010

i think i'm green.

rouge. violet violetbleu bleu bleuvert vert vertjaune Jaune Jauneorange

go to this site. you can learn all about your personality based on color. "the test evaluates your personality and true nature, it also allows you to get to know yourself. "

and if you ask me...it's also is a good time waster on a friday morning.

You are 54 % extrovert and 46 % introvert.

not sure if i would really agree with the results. but it's a personality test. it labels you. it's based on pretty colors. and it's on the internet. so we know the answers must be true.

1 comment:

  1. It's raining out - what else do I have to do except take a color test?!

    You are 49 % extrovert and 51 % introvert.
