04 October 2008

how and why.

when my aunt was in town recently after my brother's wedding, she left some delightful books for me that were my mom's as a child. i just love looking at them and reading through them..

they are called the "how and why library". covering everything from "my hero, to my nature, my storybook, my knowledge and my travels". stories about interesting people, presidents, inventors, people. places. things. teaching. learning. i must admit. i would have loved these books as a kid. the illustrations. the wonder. the goofy stories. intriguing.

little one is enthralled with them. i couldn't be more pleased. anything to stave off dora and friends. the thought that grammie had these as a kid is especially enthralling to her. we both love that grammie wrote notes in them...as pictured. i love that she loves old things. wonders about them. wants to "know". loves to go "adventuring" in hunt of treasures. loves that she appreciates people and memories. loves that old things have meaning for her.

so we'll snuggle in and read. read about heroes and history and why things do what they do.

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