24 October 2008

my vote is cast.

it's a done deal. done. can't change my mind. can't take it back...not that i would. i've voted. i'd much rather vote on election day. but. i'm working the election. not at my precinct. so i can't vote on election day. oh well. i'll still wear my i voted sticker.

we waited in line. littles were very excited. i was excited. they were chanting. talking. saying go.........! people were excited. interested. lined up. only a 32 minute wait...

luckily the littles quieted down when the line meandered in. class c felony you know. to electioneer. so no pictures of the inside. that's illegal, too. only the shot from the outside. boring. but. tells the story.

then it was off. to get yard signs. our neighbors love it....but it's all in good fun.

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