12 October 2008


i realized something today. and out loud. now, this. is. not. an earth-shattering. market correcting. problem solving realization. it is simply a realization. and i needed to blog. i needed to do something. something creative with myself. and my blog is my outlet for that creativity these days.

i realized. hold on. blare the trumpets. drum roll. i hate. hate. to finish things. well, not all things. but certain mundane. everyday things. and i came upon this realization as i was attempting. attempting to get things. done. today. now no psychoanalysis is necessary. no questions. this is just a simple revelation that i discovered.

  • emptying the dishwasher. oh. how i hate to empty the dishwasher. i can load it. i can pile it full of dishes. i can even press the start button. i love knowing that it will be full of clean dishes. but man. i hate emptying it. hate knowing that it is sitting there calling me to unload it.
  • putting away the laundry. i can do the laundry. i don't mind folding the clothes. but finishing the deal - putting them in the closet and in the dressers. what. a chore. ugh.


  1. i absolutely couldnt, agree more! it takes me months to put away laundry. whats the point. it will just be back in the same pile again soon...

  2. I'll empty your dishwasher if you do my laundry. Sound like a deal?

  3. sounds like a deal to me.

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    we use the clean basket/dirty basket idea at this house. I deliver a clean basket, it is their choice to live out of the basket or put it away....
