14 December 2008

a christmas miracle.

the elf on the shelf that has been living with us this christmas.

left the other night. he decided that the littles had not been good. too naughty. waaaaay to naughty. so he disappeared. went back to be with santa. where the living is good. where littles don't do bad things. things that get you coal for christmas. things that get you day-long time-outs.

but apparently he thought. something. something had changed. that they decided they did want christmas after all. that presents did sound better than time-outs.

the elf, who we fondly refer to as flip. returned.

"it's a christmas miracle!" she exclaimed this morning when she saw him.

"a christmas miracle mommy!"

"just like hesus!" mommy he said.

they were so amazed. and actually i was, too. perhaps santa was feeling charitable. perhaps santa had a little too much cheer at the holiday party. perhaps he was tired of time-out. perhaps flip had been corrupted by the littles and didn't fit in with the elves anymore. perhaps flip was too much for santa now...but santa. santa sent flip, the elf. back. to our house.

"a true. christmas miracle." i said. "it is a true christmas miracle." what else could i say?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    LOL..OMG that was funny. Flip didn't give up on the littles....yes Virginia, there are still Christmas miracles for all of us. Love the post!

