15 April 2008


t is for...

...tough. this meme thing is tougher than i thought. i'm tired. tired of trying to think of things. tired of doing this, but i'm so close to being done, that i'll hang in there and finish.

...texas. well, austin, texas specifically, but since i'm on t i'll put texas. i just got back from visiting my dear friend jeanne in austin. it was a good weekend. good to get away, have some time to myself, hang out with a friend, go to lake austin spa and be pampered, do some shopping, drink some wine and margaritas, eat some good food, be in warm weather and talk talk talk. austin is just a cool town. while it's got all the hip and trendiness going on, it also has alot of forward-thinking people. green building, environmentalism, new-urbanism, enjoying the outdoors and using what we've been given. this way of thinking doesn't seem to exist in kc. it's all about building it bigger and uglier. if you recycle here it's because your neighbor is and you can't have them get a leg up on you. it's not because you want to reduce your carbon footprint (at least not for most). the mayor canned light rail because people like cars, builders build on any inch of green space they can. and they build the same things over and over with no innovation, no thought. more strip malls, more beige houses. more bigger beige houses. oh, ok i guess i got on my soapbox...

...treasures. i love treasures. trinkets, finding something at an estate sale or flea market that evokes memories - a betsy clark lunchbox, dishes that my grandmother had. treasures. i love to hunt for them and am tickled when i find one.

...taxes. thank goodness ours are done and sent and we already got something back. thank goodness that alex isn't a procrastinator when it comes to taxes. i know people who act surprised every april 15th. come on people. it happens every year.

...tickled. i love this word, especially when paired with pink. tickled pink. it just seems so happy.

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