29 April 2009

adventuring. again.

some call it thrifting. or antiquing. or junking. i call it adventuring. and today. well. today. was a perfect day for adventuring. the littles. were safely ensconced at school. i had no plans. no plans. at all. no errands. well. no errands that were urgent. that had to be done. and it was raining. besides. taking a nap. what's better than poking and proding around dusty corners in cool stores? looking for treasures. treasures that you didn't even know you needed. until. of course. you found them.

so. off i went. to some of my favorite places. and then to some new ones. and it was a good day. a good day of adventuring. so besides the new letter "p" to be added to the collection. and the state plate and the frame and the linens, these are some of my best finds. today.

a cool bartlett-collins frosted glass cookie jar. how fun are those gingerbread men?

an empty milk glass jar. of face cream. oh. my. how i'd like to pay that much for my
face cream...

and books. lots. and lots. of books. here's just a smattering of my favorites.
a kate greenway.
how good of a find is this one? wow. and only $.25.
can't beat it.

and even though. it's not old. or significant. or anything. really.
i had to have it for the title alone. the littles. perfect.

and a joan walsh anglund. i loved her illustrations as a kid.
still do.

and then there was this one.

eloise wilkins. i adore her illustrations. and little one. loves them, too. and when i opened it. and saw this poem.

i knew. just knew. it was perfect for a day like today. all rainy. and thunder-y.

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