21 April 2009

bring on the butter.

last night. we headed out. the other yulie and i.

to see. paula deen. she was on tour promoting her new cookbook.
and since we saw her when she was in town. two years ago. we thought we'd check her out again. so now. we've seen ina and paula. and who's left? get this. her boys. are probably coming here in the fall. we'll be there, too.

she is a funny person. i tell you. funny. and her husband. michael groover. funny, too.

i haven't laughed like i did. last night. in awhile. well. since friday. i guess. when we saw bill maher. hmm. what's up. with all that funniness. lately?...

anyways. paula. she just tells it like it is. look at how cute they are.

no beating around the bush with her. everything from being something like a "fat girl writing a love letter" to "dying for a neck lift" to "this is why my hair is so good". she lets it all out. she even. took out her hair extensions. when someone asked. why her hair looks so good.
and michael. took them and put them on his mustache. (that's paula taking her extensions out...).

these people are funny. and real. it seems. wouldn't it be fun to have them over for dinner? no. actually. it would be better to go to her house.

her foodtv gossip. was good. too. it was all good. except for the stuffy host. but that's neither here nor there.

she was all buttered up. last night. buttered up. funny. nice. and bit of naughty, too.

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