30 April 2009

two of my favorite things.

but not necessarily meant to be together. got together today. you see. i was locked out. and they were locked in. and they wouldn't open the door. and i knew. knew. that was going to mean trouble...

but this story starts with my love of sharpies. sharpie markers that is. they're the greatest pens ever. ever. i especially like the original thick ones. in cool colors. i keep them handy. in mugs on my desk.

i have them in every color and size. they make me happy.

i also love mr. clean erasers.

they seem to work magic. to clean everything. who ever invented them should be sainted. at least. i think they should be.

but today. my sharpies. caused trouble. big trouble. but my mr. clean eraser. well. let's say it came to the rescue.

hot pink. hot pink. sharpie. all over the white. bathroom door. all over. the face of one certain two year old. and all over the screen. of my imac. yes. my imac. i couldn't even take pictures. i was so. besides. myself. but if. i had. this is what you would have seen. enough said. right?

but mr. clean. he. came to the rescue. and now. little two still has pink lips drawn around his. but the imac. is clean. clean. and the bathroom. door? well. it just has a slight tie-dyed effect of pink on it. good times. i tell you. good times. when is the sun going to shine again? because we need to get outside...

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