07 March 2009

a sweet sound.

ahh. today daylight savings time ends. the days are getting longer. and warmer. and here at least. windier.

little one was all about wearing short sleeves today. as soon as she got up she insisted upon short sleeves.

and now. just now. i heard a sweet sound. no. it wasn't the birds chirping outside my window this morning. though that was sweet. too.

it was the sound of a lawn mower starting up. i know. it could be called a nuisance. but to me. it's the sound of summer. and warm days. and working outside. and the site of green after all these brown and tan winter days.

it's a sign i say. a sign.

and a little green inspiration. for green week.

green ones. are. the. best ones.

sometimes. i feel like we're leprechauns.


good. toast.

i know. they're not real. but i like them.

in. the. grass.


  1. Hey, Julie,
    Cool blog..I will have to follow you..or link to you, or whatever that is..

  2. thanks. love to have you as a reader!
